TURM (2023)

TURM is a mockumentary directed by Dan Floresco & Lisa Flachmeyer.
Starring Paul Walther and Lisa Flachmeyer, who also wrote the script.
Costume design by Erika Suech. Cinematography, editing, sound-mix
by Dan Floresco. Produced by Tsuni Films – 2023


PAPAGEI (2023)

Directed by Dan Floresco. Written by Carolin Karnuth. Cast: Claudia
Lietz, Andreas Anke, Carolin Karnuth. Cinematography, editing,
sound-mix by Dan Floresco. Produced by Tsuni Films – 2023


HASE (2020)

HASE returned from its festival tour in Italy with 3 international prizes,
being featured in 13 film festivals. I directed (co-direction with Lisa
Flachmeyer) and produced. The film is available for streaming on the
UAM.TV and WESHORT platforms.



I provided pre-production and cinematography for INTERSECTION,
a mid-length film directed by Dan Silaghi. Starring Judith Shoemaker
and Hollywood actor Garikayi Mutambirwa (Animal Kingdom, Jeepers
Creepers 2)



A DREAM CALLED HUMANITY was my short film directorial debut back
in 2017. It was selected from over 700 short films to be featured at the
Munich International Film Festival in the Shorties section. I shot the film
on an iPhone 5s, keeping it a secret until after the festival.